Monday, 2 April 2018

Is anyone aware of or have any information about the councils proposal to close down the Broadway Centre on Broadway North and move it to the “cricket pavilion” adjacent to the car park on The Crescent? Seems there has been a consultation period but I am not aware of anyone who was consulted.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Commemorative Tree WW1

On Sunday March 23rd Walsall Tree Wardens along with Walsall Arboretum User Group organised the planting of an oak tree in Walsall Arboretum to commemorate all of the casualties of World War 1. The Mayor, Councillor Nazir, and other dignitaries formed part of an attendance of some sixty-plus people.

Following introductory words from Tree Warden Chris Venables, and a reading by Simon Bond of the poem ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, The Mayor carried out the planting. Also in attendance were a group of cadets who helped scatter poppy seeds in the area of the tree.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Walsall Airport Orchard Planting

On Thursday November 7th the sun shone on Walsall Tree Wardens and Year 6 pupils from Whetstone Fields Primary School as they helped the Clean and Green Team to plant one hundred and fifty fruit trees on the old airport site. To conclude the planting everyone celebrated the event with apple juice and wished each other and the trees 'Wassail' (Good Health).

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Welcome to the new blog designed for and dedicated to the work of the Walsall Tree Wardens.